Award winners
We are very proud to announce that Tschudi Logistics Finland has won two awards. The awards have been issued by the leading Finnish business media Kauppalehti. Kauppalehti reports news and comments on/analyses financial and economic events. The Kauppalehti concept is based on a strong and continuously developing combination of digital and print media and digital business services. The media includes Kauppalehti, Kauppalehti Optio and a range of digital content services.

The two prizes ”Growth company 2020” and ”Achievers 2020” have been granted our office in Turku. I had a chat with Jussi Heinonen who is Head of Projects and Forwarding in Finland about the current situation and how he has experienced the past three years’ growth and acheivements for Tschudi Logistics Finland.
Three years of positive development
In general, the Tschudi Logistics Group has experienced positive development within recent years. The development has among other things resulted in new offices in Rotterdam in Holland and Maputo in Mozambique. Our office in Finland has experienced this development as well. Jussi elaborates:
“During the past three years we have experienced a growing demand from both our current clients and from new clients coming in. This successful development has enabled us to expand our department here in Turku, Finland. Growing our team has expanded our set of skills, which has then further enabled us to take on new clients and several larger projects. We have truly experienced that growth breeds growth – and we feel confident that we can continue to drive our business in a positive direction. “
Close collaboration breaks borders
Tschudi Logistics Finland works in close collaboration with the other Tschudi Logistics offices. The latest teamwork was with our office in Estonia. The task included handling of cargo and transshipment for a large boiler in Port of Paldiski. The teamwork made it possible for us to provide the client with on-site management and local knowledge.
“Our close collaboration with the remaining nine Tschudi Logistics offices means that we are able to benefit from several local contacts worldwide.” Jussi comments.

The Tschudi Logistics Group offer services for project transports and chartering, general cargo over land sea and air, bulk liquids and beverage transports. Each of our offices has particular skill sets within the field of logistics. The office in Turku has two main areas of businesses, Jussi explains:
“Here in Finland we are specialized within two areas of the logistics industry: We are one of the leading companies transporting containerized bulk liquids in and out of Finland. Here we also have a solid client portfolio based on good relations and positive experiences among some of Finland’s top industrial companies. Many of our clients have been with us for years and this of course forms a rock-solid foundation for our business to thrive and grow.
Secondly, project transports have significantly taken steps forward in recent years, growing by the year. We merged the Trailer department with the Projects department in 2019 – forming the Projects and Forwarding department – to gain more inner synergies and to further strengthen our customer service. During the years, we have completed many large and complex transports. Our focus on precise planning and thorough execution has left us with satisfied customers – customers who come back to us time and time again.”
Tschudi Logistics Finland have performed several complex transports within the past three years. Read more here:
Delivery of large drying tower
Attention to out of the ordinary client service
The attention paid to customer service is a general thing for the Tschudi Logistics Group.
“We always aim to provide top level customer service. Our team is prepared to go the extra mile to deliver! In our area of work things are sometimes not that straight forward, unforeseen things like weather changes, etc. happen from time to time. Therefore, it is pivotal to always be prepared and motivated to solve problems as they arise. The most important thing for us is that our clients can trust that we complete the task no matter what issues show up along the way.”