Our Company

Nordic Roots, Global Reach

Tschudi Logistics was founded in 2006 and has since grown into an international company with offices in Europe, Africa and Asia. We are a team of professionals within logistics, covering all modalities and offering solutions for all types of cargo. We are agile and involved with some of the biggest and most demanding clients within oil & gas, energy, construction, and the industrial sectors.

The Tschudi Group is Norwegian and has a long history dating back to 1883. Traditionally Tschudi was a ship-owner but has now developed into a variety of subsidiary companies in shipping, offshore and towage, logistics, personnel services and financial services.

We dare to think differently in order to find new, smarter, and better solutions in everything we do.

We look for opportunities and identify new niches early to develop their potential by offering good and innovative solutions.

We are prepared to take unexpected but potentially rewarding risks based on our knowledge and expertise.

"To meet the high requirements of our clients, our team always focus on delivering services of a particular high standard.

Our long-term stakeholder relations are a testimonial to our loyalty and commitment.

Eskil Ødegaard
CEO Tschudi Logistics Group

Our vision and values

We focus on long term value creation, whilst leaving a positive footprint. The Tschudi values are:

Commitment. We are committed to our core values and to always providing the best possible service to our clients.

Respect. We respect our clients, stakeholders, and stakeholders by embracing diversity, sticking to our promises, and to deliver above expectations whenever possible.

Proactivity. We create opportunities and always try to be ahead. We are solution-oriented and seek to act proactively to overcome challenges.

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Want to learn more about our history?

Our history dates back to 1883, and to this date we are still owned by the Tschudi family. We are a 100% owned subsidiary of the privately owned Norwegian company Tschudi Shipping Company AS.

Our history

Our offices

Tschudi Logistics was founded in 2006 and has since grown into an international company with offices in Europe, Africa and Asia. We are a team of professionals within multimodal project logistics, specialized transports of beverages, and short sea services.

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Enviromental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

We strive to maintain sustainability and responsibility at the core of all our activities.


Our team always comply with rules and regulations that are applicable in the countries we operate in. We comply with international bodies and standards, national and international statutory and regulatory.


Our corporate policies act as our guiding principles for our everyday decisions and actions. The Tschudi procedure ensures that our team know specifically how to carry out our policies, which keeps our organization streamlined.


We are ISO certified with regards to quality management (ISO 9001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), and environmental management (ISO 14001).


We act as a responsible corporate citizen, living our values in relation to the businesses, societies, and environments where we operate. We want to create value, by leaving a positive footprint!

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We are part of the Tschudi group

The Group’s main commercial competences are shipping and maritime services, ocean industries support, and logistics solutions.

Tschudi LogisticsTschudi Ship ManagementTschudi Arctic TransitTschudi KirkenesTschudi AggregatesTschudi Financial ServicesTschudi Angola-NavegaçãoTschudi Mozambique